Reasons Why Worker Need to Build Trust

One Team

Right now, several people are discovering us in this place on the transition to remote function. Employers have no control over the pandemic and have to retrain their staff to do their work from home completely. Workers who may not have experience working from home have to turn over kitchen tables unexpectedly. The transition is difficult for everyone, but it can be much easier if there is confidence. Hence, find here to know more about the importance of building a trust.

The Essence of Trust for Workers


Employers who have never allowed workers to walk at a distance may feel that workers will try to take advantage of their position. In contrast, workers who have never had to walk at a distance may feel that companies will judge them harshly compared to their usual counterparts. There have been several instances where this lack of expectation has resulted from the tone of voice that some managers have sent home from the first days of work, from demanding immediate responses to messages to requiring employees always to answer the phone, even if it is an unknown number.


There is a much better approach to managing this transition.The ability to have confidence and give hope will be the backbone of remote working arrangements’ long-term functioning. We may not be able to return to our jobs for a long period, so teleworking is probably the only way most companies can stay open, and employees have a chance to keep their jobs. Employees who feel safe in the workplace say they see 106% more energy at work, not all. Besides, they report less burnout, greater overall satisfaction with their lives, significantly lower stress levels, and greater task participation every time they work. Seventy-six percent of workers report having their working hours if they achieve their goals.

Personal Growth


There is a long list of positive consequences that can be expected in a company. A Harvard study examined how employees of organizations with high levels of trust feel and function well compared to employees of institutions with low levels of trust. The results are incredible. Institutions with high levels of trust are individuals who have more empathy, cooperation, employee recognition, vulnerability, and personal growth for all those around them. On the other hand, low trust institutions tend to have toxic crops where people would not suspect a friend is working there and plan to leave them.Becoming more reliable in doing things is also a huge incentive: a 2014 survey conducted by Citigroup and LinkedIn found that almost half of employees could offer 20% growth in better management of their work practices, such as flexible work options such as working from home.

The ways we build trust in Puffer, being an intercultural team, communication projects are different, and there are many conventions regarding intervals, expressions of opinion, and open disagreements. This often means that the security and sociality that oxytocin allows is deeply rooted in our personality. Being away means that we no longer have to meet in the hallway or meet someone from another team when we have a coffee cup.